I am pleased that my initiation into the world of blogging your trip is on site! I just wanted to wish you all a safe journey and safe arrival. I do not think that my phone no. was added to the tree, only the Rye phone number, Which is Joey's dad. If you would not mind calling my home or cell, it would be greatly appreciated, especially as we are at the top of the tree. 603.918.0194 (cell) 603.431.3282 (home) Thanks so much for taking the kids on such a wonderful trip. Ari Nathans
I just received THE phone call from the travelers! They are safe and sound, having arrived relatively on time. Nancy reports that it is a bit cold, but they are fine. They have visited the zoo, and are about to go to lunch, awaiting their check-in time at the hostel. All are doing well, and as long as it stays that way, we won't hear from them until they arrive back in the states next Saturday. Hopefully, they will update the blog, so we can live vicariously through our children...
ca nous fais plaisir de savoire que vous etes tous bien, madame a l'aire tres froide dans la photo, j'espere que vous avez assez de turtleneck( nicole) amusez vous bien et profitez de cette mervielleuse experience, je vous embrasse tous.
I am pleased that my initiation into the world of blogging your trip is on site! I just wanted to wish you all a safe journey and safe arrival. I do not think that my phone no. was added to the tree, only the Rye phone number, Which is Joey's dad. If you would not mind calling my home or cell, it would be greatly appreciated, especially as we are at the top of the tree. 603.918.0194 (cell) 603.431.3282 (home) Thanks so much for taking the kids on such a wonderful trip. Ari Nathans
RépondreSupprimerI just received THE phone call from the travelers! They are safe and sound, having arrived relatively on time. Nancy reports that it is a bit cold, but they are fine. They have visited the zoo, and are about to go to lunch, awaiting their check-in time at the hostel. All are doing well, and as long as it stays that way, we won't hear from them until they arrive back in the states next Saturday. Hopefully, they will update the blog, so we can live vicariously through our children...
RépondreSupprimerSo happy to hear of the safe arrival! Have fun!
RépondreSupprimerWhat's the best thing you've eaten thus far?
RépondreSupprimer--Denise Collier
A Lebanese Restaurant sounds intersting.
RépondreSupprimerCan't wait to hear avout the food.
I am glad you guys reached safe! How is it going so far? How is the weather?
RépondreSupprimer- Prachi Nagada
ca nous fais plaisir de savoire que vous etes tous bien, madame a l'aire tres froide dans la photo, j'espere que vous avez assez de turtleneck( nicole) amusez vous bien et profitez de cette mervielleuse experience, je vous embrasse tous.
RépondreSupprimerI heard you guys are in Paris! I hope Belgium was fantastic and you guys are having a blast!!!